Pada saat mau log in ke gmail, masalah muncul… dikatakan bahwa saya salah memasukan password. Lalu saya coba ganti password dengan yang lebih mudah di komputer, akan tetapi tetap saja pada saat mau log in ke gmail di spica, password saya salah.  Setelah googling akhirnya ketemu cara penyelesaiannya…

Sebelumnya ke account setting google dulu

  1. In the Security Field, there is a 2-step Verification column, and then click edit.
  2. Google will lead you to this page –>
  3. Scroll, and you can see the Option : Application-spesific Password
  4. Click Option Manage Application-spesific password
  5. Scroll and you can find a column named : Generate new application-specific passwordYou can see the bos for example Android, and then click Generate Password

    Google will provide 16 digit random letter. That random letter is your password for your Google Accont in your Android Handset.

  6. Finish. Now you can use your Google account in your android handset 

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